The industry focus is slowly moving towards the use of cleaner ‘inputs’ rather than treating the finished articles. Brands, Retailers and other stakeholders are expecting chemical suppliers to manufacture cleaner chemicals.

The ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL) is a list of chemical substances banned from intentional use in the processing of textile materials, leather and footwear.


NimkarTek is Approved and Recognized as a ZDHC MRSL V 3.1 Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 Certifier.


    Level 3: Onsite Assessment of chemical hazard assessment capability

    Level 2: Onsite Assessment of the Management systems

    Level 1: Analytical testing, supported screening and SDS review of relevant MRSL substances information

Benefits of ZDHC MRSL

Reducing use of hazardous chemicals in the workplace, protects consumer health and control pollution of the environment.

Enhancing brand image through the promotion of health and environmental responsibility and sustainability.

Helps in creating safer chemicals which will cater the current & future chemical concerns throughout supply chain.

Helping protect revenues by reducing the costs of recall